Nov 18, 2020
Virtual Workshop
AAUW Salary Negotiation Workshop
AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops are designed to teach participants how to negotiate for a fair salary. In every two hour workshop, participants gain confidence in their negotiation styles through facilitated discussion and role-play.

Time & Location
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
12:00 AM
Virtual Workshop
About the Event
AAUW Start Smart and Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops are designed to teach participants how to negotiate for a fair salary. In every two hour workshop, participants gain confidence in their negotiation styles through facilitated discussion and role-play. Participants learn the following:
- How to identify and articulate their personal value.
- How to develop an arsenal of persuasive response and other negotiation strategies.
- How do conduct objective market research to benchmark a target salary and benefits.
- About the wage gap including its long-term consequences and other relevant factors.
AAUW Start Smart and AAUW Work Smart are recommended for students who plan to start applying for career positions in the next 3-4 months.
AAUW Work Smart Workshops are better suited for students who may have already been in the workforce and have some experience with budgeting. Work Smart Workshops dive deeper into salary negotiation by focusing on how to negotiate raises with a supervisor once you are employed.
Each workshop is limited to 20 participants. Pre-registration is required. Workshops are 2 hours long.