Jan 27, 2021
Virtual Lecture
2021 Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial Lecture and Awards Ceremony
Dr. Cynthia Hipwell will present the virtual lecture on January 27, 2021 at 5:35 p.m. in conjunction with the J. Mike Walker '66 Department of Mechanical Engineering Spring 2021 Seminar Series at Texas A&M University. Awards recipients will be recognized after the lecture.

Time & Location
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
11:30 PM
Virtual Lecture
About the Event
Each year Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) sponsors an awards program that recognizes the research and mentoring efforts of women on the Texas A&M campus. These awards are offered in honor and remembrance of Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui, a long-time member of the faculty of the Biochemistry Department here at Texas A&M University. Dr. Tsutsui was a founding member of WISE and cared deeply about the retention and recognition of women in our graduate programs.
To join the event: https://tamu.zoom.us/j/97669000952?pwd=bDdqUHNZK2NxNSsrZURaOFlla0o0UT09
Meeting ID: 976 6900 0952
Passcode: 386264
Please see the flyer for more information.